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Localisation is an exciting concept. It spells unlimited opportunities for scaling companies hoping to successfully navigate new markets and branch out onto the global stage. And the thought of choosing a localisation career is becoming evermore enticing for talented candidates.
With the promise of continued progress and development – not to mention the opportunity to traverse cultures and marketplaces – it’s no wonder that the localisation sector is becoming one of the most exciting industries to be involved in.
Central to the localisation industry and its operations are language translation services. So in demand is this particular facet, that it is expected to experience a compound annual growth rate of 5.3% from 2021 to 2026. No surprise, considering 90% of online shoppers choose to navigate in their native language if it’s made available to them on a website.
Although translation services form a large part of the localisation puzzle, the industry is full of opportunities for a wide range of disciplines.
So, what exactly does a career in the localisation industry entail? And what opportunities are available?
Whatever your role within the localisation industry, you will strive to achieve one specific outcome: to ensure the brand, product or service you work on behalf of is successfully adapted to and received within varying markets.
Translation services make up the lion’s share of the localisation pie – approximately 75% of a typical localisation project involves this element. However, heavy collaboration from many other professionals, such as QA specialists, software engineers, project managers, sales and account managers, and more is required to make each venture a triumph.
The effect of localisation on business success has been a key factor in transforming the sector in the context of career progression. Given that the application of localisation services has been shown to boost website visits by 70% and increase conversion rates by 20%, the demand for talented professionals who can help businesses to achieve these numbers has soared.
Furthermore, while remote work has always been standard practice within the industry, the pandemic has normalised this even further, with both employers and employees across the globe now embracing a virtual working relationship.
This has served to create a deeper talent pool and broaden the scope of opportunities available in the localisation industry.
Many people that forge a career in localisation have relevant qualifications in language and cultural studies. Others, who thrive on experiencing global travel and culture, may have found their way into the sector by combining this passion with expertise in other relevant areas.
Whatever path you took to get to where you are now, it’s important to manage your career from here on in to ensure you are in a role that’s right for you.
One of the benefits of being a professional within the localisation industry is that there will often be scope to move between positions and try your hand at different tasks until you find your niche.
This is of course dependent on whether or not you have the right skills that will potentially translate to other roles within any given company. But with a honed skill set and an open mind, the world is your oyster as a localisation professional – especially if you apply a number of key strategies to future-proof your localisation career.
Your career within the localisation industry may be going from strength to strength, but as with anything that matters, it’s important to keep working at it and not to rest on your laurels. As such, there are several steps you can take to ensure you are consistently at the top of your game – and to make future employers sit up and take note.
To guarantee your input always remains valid and valuable, it’s vital to stay on the pulse of important trends and activity within your industry.
Being active on LinkedIn, regularly scouring business news sources, and keeping up to date with literature and case studies linked to the world of localisation will give you an in-depth knowledge of the industry you wish to continue thriving within.
Reaching out and introducing yourself to peers, key opinion leaders, and even relevant vendors, through social media channels or at in-person events, will ensure you build a reputation as an active localisation industry insider.
It provides you with an opportunity to learn from others’ experiences, as well as giving you a platform to promote your company, along with your personal and colleagues’ achievements.
Networking is vital in an industry such as localisation, that incorporates multiple markets and stakeholders, and fostering these relationships may lead to exciting career developments down the line.
Getting into the minute detail of upcoming projects and active strategies by asking direct questions is a great way to stay informed and ahead of the curve, while showcasing a high level of interest and commitment to your employers.
And while being inquisitive has its merits, it’s also important to provide answers – even to questions that have yet to be asked. What this means is identifying a particular shortfall or problem point within the company that would benefit from review and specific action, then bringing your findings to the attention of management to implement necessary change.
You may be climbing the localisation career ladder at an impressive rate, but the key to continuing on this exciting trajectory lies in embracing growth and development at every corner. Never turn down an opportunity to upskill or develop your talents in an area outside of your comfort zone.
Public speaking is a prime example of this. While many are terrified by the prospect, it is a vital tool that will help you articulate your point of view and give you ownership over your findings and opinions.
English as a company language is commonplace within the localisation industry, so if you don’t count English as your first language, it’s important to brush up on both written and verbal elements to meet the high standard that will be expected.
This will come into play in particular during the recruitment process, which may involve an English test in some cases.
Whether working remotely or as part of an on-site core team, it’s important to build relationships with your colleagues and managers to foster successful collaboration and a results-driven work ethic.
Sharing your experiences and listening to the viewpoints of others in different departments will not only aid in problem-solving and company-wide communication but will also give you visibility over the whole organisation, including its structure and future plans.
The ability to pat ourselves on the back for a job well done may not come naturally to many of us, but it’s an important practice to develop for professional purposes. Highlighting your achievements will give you a certain level of esteem within the industry, positioning you as an experienced player while increasing your influence as a future leader and mentor.
It is also integral to be transparent about such accomplishments to attract potential employers in search of the most impressive talent.
Finding candidates that have continued to stand out as “ones to watch” within the localisation industry is one of International Achievers Group’s fortes. As experts in the recruitment of localisation employees, we provide premium level recruitment solutions for many of the world’s leading companies who are expanding on the global stage.
Allow us to help you attract the talent you need with a global reach – contact us today for further information.