Preparing For Your Localisation Interview

by | Mar 21, 2022 | Interviewing

You’ve secured a localisation interview at a company you’d love to work for. Having climbed the ladder in the localisation industry for several years, you have the skills, the experience, and you know you’re perfect for the job, so there’s nothing to worry about…right?

While this is a great position to be in as you gear up to get your foot in the door, making a memorable impression that gets you one step closer to your dream job takes more than simply having the necessary credentials on paper.

From expanding on your role-specific skills to understanding the needs and wants of the interviewer, there are some crucial steps involved in preparing for that all-important interview.

To help you maximise your chances of a successful outcome, we’ve compiled five top tips that should help you in preparing for your localisation interview.


5 Tips For Preparing For Your Localisation Interview

Tip 1: Know everything there is to know about the company

First, familiarise yourself with the company’s history, culture, and values. Study their website and social media profiles — how do they present themselves? What markets are they currently present in? Is their brand voice formal or casual?

A localisation company will, by its nature, have the ability to adapt and conform depending on where in the world they are operating.

However, their brand identity should be the one constant in the mix, so it is essential you are up to speed with what it is they represent.

What’s more, although they operate on a global scale, their company ethos should also remain unchanged across markets. Showing that you align with and relate to their brand values during the interview will position you as a good fit and a team player.


Tip 2: Develop an in-depth understanding of the role on offer

The beauty of many roles within the localisation industry is that they are often very specific in nature. If you are a specialist in translation services or copywriting, the interview process may be less daunting in the sense that you know exactly what will be expected from you and your skills will be easily quantifiable.

However, if you have applied for a position that is perhaps less definable and particularly sought after within this field, such as a localisation project manager, you will need to be able to talk the talk in an interview setting. This means understanding the many responsibilities commonly associated with this role and being able to reference instances when you put your skills into action.

A localisation project manager can be all things to all people, in the sense that they need to be aware of what is going on across numerous departments. With that, an interviewer is likely to look for a candidate that is a good communicator, is engaging and showcases a calm, composed demeanour in what is undoubtedly a stressful setting.

In terms of previous experience, most localisation companies will seek an individual with a proven ability to communicate directly with customers, one that is capable of managing several accounts simultaneously, and who also displays a clear understanding of vertical specialisation. An interviewee with CAT tool proficiency and a knack for tech and automation will also stand out.

Essentially, being in a position to speak comfortably about your abilities in line with all of the above can make the difference between getting a job offer or not.


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Tip 3: Showcase your capabilities beyond the role requirements

The most crucial objective to achieve during a job interview is to convince the hiring team that you are the perfect choice for the position on offer. And while boasting the necessary skills and experience to fit the bill is a must, showcasing your capabilities in other areas is a winning move.

For example, a localisation engineer will be acutely aware that the core emphasis of their role is on translation tools and localisation processes. However, proficient engineers will not spend days simply analysing files and troubleshooting translation-related issues; they will also be required to create more efficient workflows and perhaps display their prowess with expert skills such as coding.

It is therefore vital during an interview to not only highlight your primary abilities but also to give adequate time to describe the additional skills that make you a desirable candidate.


Tip 4: Research industry-specific questions

While there are certain questions that are par for the course during any job interview (including the dreaded, but inevitable ‘What are your weaknesses?’), being well-versed and ready to respond to industry-specific queries is of paramount importance.

When researching ahead of your interview, search online for common questions relating to the localisation industry and your relevant role, for example ‘interview questions for software localisation’.

First and foremost, an employer will want to ascertain your knowledge and understanding of the complexities of localisation, including common issues such as pluralisation, character limitations, and more. They may ask you about the differences between localisation, globalisation and internationalisation, or what’s involved in the process of localisation testing.

It is therefore integral that you are well prepared to answer certain questions that will give the interviewer a true sense of your knowledge of the localisation industry in general, along with your proficiency across vital role-centric areas.


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Tip 5: Work with a recruitment consultant when preparing for your localisation interview

Preparing for a job interview takes time and effort, but one way to make the process far less stressful is to work with a localisation recruitment consultant. Aside from matching you with opportunities that are tailored to your experience and expectations, the right recruiter will also have certain inside knowledge that can prove invaluable during the interview stages.

They will be in a position to provide you with information on certain topics that other candidates will not be privy to, such as why the role is open, the personality of the interviewer and what they are looking for in a new hire.

Having this data at your disposal means you can significantly condense your pre-interview research and spend more time composing your responses and getting mentally prepared.

Here at International Achievers Group, we have a proven track record of matching the right person to the right role. Your success is our success, so we offer expert guidance, support, and pre-interview preparation to help you put your best foot forward.

Get in touch with us today to get started.