Tips For Strengthening Your Global Localisation Workforce

by | Aug 8, 2022 | Localisation, Retention

Managing a global localisation workforce comes with its fair share of challenges, from navigating local legal hurdles to overcoming language differences and cultural barriers.

However, with the right approach and strategies, it is possible to build a strong, cohesive and thriving workforce across different countries and time zones.

We’ve compiled this guide to help you strengthen your global workforce and sustain your business growth in what is a highly competitive market.


How to strengthen your global localisation workforce

There’s no doubt that globalisation is a major driving force in today’s corporate world, with more businesses expanding internationally every day. Establishing a local presence in various locations across the globe is a key factor in creating long-term growth, but it significantly increases operational complexity and risk.


Tips For Strengthening Your Global Localisation Workforce - International Achievers Group (2)


Here are some areas to think about for developing and strengthening a global localisation workforce:


Remote working

The ability to work remotely either some or all of the time is a major priority for today’s candidates. Companies in the localisation industry have been operating with remote teams long before the pandemic, so this is not new territory.

However, it’s not enough to get employees on board — focusing on international employee retention is essential for successful global expansion. It is also vital that your employees are given the tools and software to connect and communicate easily with each other.

According to a recent report by McKinsey, productivity can increase by 20 to 25% in companies where employees are more socially connected, whatever their language or location.


Talent acquisition strategy

Companies looking to expand globally must broaden their talent acquisition strategy and take advantage of having access to an international talent pool.

Developing and implementing a global talent acquisition strategy is a complex process that requires a thorough understanding of international labour markets. It can include elements such as:

  • Strategy and planning to ensure business alignment
  • Employer branding to elevate your company’s market position and attract top talent.
  • Workforce segmentation to understand the different segments, skills and experience necessary for success.
  • Candidate relationship management to create a positive experience for current and potential candidates.
  • Metrics and analytics to continuously improve the hiring and onboarding process.


Local laws

Managing a distributed workforce requires a thorough understanding of the legislation in each host country, including cross-border compliance, tax and labour laws, and employment regulations.



You need to have the tools and software to onboard international clients, communicate with and manage a geographically dispersed team, and run a fully compliant global payroll.

Many companies are experimenting with the use of AI-driven technology to help them establish a local presence in any location. There are programs and platforms designed to streamline everything from international hiring and onboarding to managing compliance and payroll, all of which are highly relevant to the localisation industry.


Localised training

A comprehensive, well-planned localisation strategy is essential for building and maintaining a strong global workforce, strengthening connections within teams, increasing efficiency and productivity, and minimising employee turnover.

Clear and engaging training is crucial for any company’s success, especially those that are expanding internationally and looking to build strong, cohesive teams.

Localising HR policies and procedures is vital to ensure the safety and productivity of all employees, as well as making sure the company doesn’t accidentally violate local laws or regulations.


Tips For Strengthening Your Global Localisation Workforce - International Achievers Group (3)


Accommodate different languages

For maximum engagement and retention, training materials must be made available in each employee’s native language. This allows them to grasp concepts quickly and accurately, giving them the best opportunity to progress.

Effectively localised internal communications can increase employee engagement and productivity levels across the entire organisation.


Embrace a diverse localisation workforce

Welcoming different cultures, languages and ideologies is an important part of building a strong, healthy company culture and a team of happy, engaged employees.

According to research by Salesforce, employees who feel a sense of belonging are 5.3 times more likely to feel empowered to perform their best work.

Another study by Gallup reported that ‘companies with an engaged workforce enjoy a 20% increase in sales and 21% greater profitability’.


Your localisation recruitment specialist

Ensure your hard-found talent stays put by strengthening the foundations of a truly global, localised workforce.

International Achievers Group is your localisation specialist and we will always strive to remain at the forefront of localisation recruitment services – so get in touch today to ensure you’re doing everything possible to retain your localisation talent.

We are also your trusted source for localisation trends and advice – so check out our blog and resources for more insider information from the industry.