Methods To Improve Your Remote Onboarding Process

by | Jul 25, 2022 | Onboarding, Remote & Hybrid Working

The widespread adoption of remote and hybrid working has opened up opportunities for companies to attract the best talent worldwide. However, it’s not without its fair share of challenges, one of which is the growing need to rethink our remote onboarding processes and adapt them to meet the expectations of today’s candidates.

Read on to find out how to improve your remote onboarding process so that new hires are excited and motivated from the outset — and far more likely to stay put!


The challenges of remote onboarding

While a better onboarding process can mean new employees are more likely to stay, is your company properly equipped to do this? A great remote onboarding process is more than just a quick chat over Zoom.

Some of the challenging aspects include:


Company culture

Healthy company culture is essential for any organisation’s success, but it can be difficult to maintain when some or all of the team is working remotely. Without shared coffee breaks and in-person chats, new employees can struggle to fit in and make connections at first.

This is especially true in the localisation industry, where geographically dispersed teams are the norm and adds an extra challenge of fostering a strong sense of company culture across different languages, cultures and time zones.


Virtual communication

It’s normal for new hires to have lots of questions during the onboarding process, but it can be daunting to know how to ask in a new virtual environment.

Every company has their communication preferences, so it’s vital that you make this part very clear from the outset.


Methods To Improve Your Remote Onboarding Process - International Achievers Group (2)


Tech issues

When a new employee comes into the office on their first day, all the equipment and supplies they need are typically set up and waiting for them. During a remote onboarding process, however, there are additional logistical challenges to consider.

For example, employers must ensure that the equipment and supplies are delivered to the employee safely and well ahead of time. It is then the employee’s responsibility to set everything up and make sure it’s all running smoothly before they start


Information overload

Employees receive a huge amount of information during any onboarding process, but it can be particularly overwhelming when it’s being delivered virtually. If they start to experience information overload, none of it will sink in and they’ll be left feeling confused and isolated.



Solutions for improving your remote onboarding process

Now that we’ve looked at some of the challenges that come with remote onboarding, it’s time to look at your current onboarding process. How have you adapted it to move with the times? And can you identify areas for improvement?

Here are a few suggestions:


Organise a team meet-and-greet

As advanced as video technology has become, it’s still not a true substitute for face-to-face interaction. So when you have a geographically dispersed team, building a sense of community and team spirit can be difficult.

Try to come up with ways to help your team bond and build a strong connection, like regular meet-and-greet events. At these virtual events, new employees will get the opportunity to meet and spend one-on-one time with other team members.

Having ice-breaker games ready and organised for these types of events can be a great way to get the conversation flowing from the outset.


Make integration a priority when remote onboarding

Evaluate all of the different systems you have in place to support new employees and see which ones you can integrate. Integration will enable you to streamline workflows, increase efficiency, and make it easier for new employees to manage their onboarding tasks.


Methods To Improve Your Remote Onboarding Process - International Achievers Group (3)


Tech training sessions

Getting used to new systems and software is typically one of the biggest challenges for new employees, and this is especially true in a virtual environment. How can a new hire get properly engaged in a virtual meet and greet if they struggle for an hour to even get the software up and running?

You can help them to hit the ground running by organising tech training sessions as part of your onboarding process.


Create checklists and schedules

Creating simple checklists and schedules for new employees can really help them to manage everything during their first few weeks.

Include all the tasks they need to complete as part of their onboarding, as well as things like meet-and-greet events and tech training sessions. That way, they will know exactly what they’re supposed to be doing and how much progress they’re making.


Get them set up ahead of time

Ensure that every new employee gets the equipment they need well in advance, along with helpful information about the company, their new teammates, or what their first few days will look like.

A special message from the CEO is another simple way to make them feel welcome and valuable before they begin. Make sure that all of these resources are translated into the employee’s preferred language — not only will this make it easier for them to absorb the information, but it will also make them feel seen and respected.


Asking for feedback

Asking new employees for feedback will help you to identify areas that can be improved, which will help to further improve your remote onboarding process for future employees.

For more tips on improving your onboarding process across a global workforce, check out another recent article we published.


Your localisation recruitment agency

Investing in a strategic onboarding program can deliver critical benefits such as higher levels of employee engagement and a reduced turnover rate, so ensure your hard-found talent stays put by giving them a solid onboarding experience and the tools to start making a difference.

International Achievers Group will always strive to be your trusted source for HR-related advice. Check out our blog and resources to keep your HR department sharp and proactive and make sure that your new employees are shown the very best your company can offer from the moment they walk in the door.